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November 17, 2023
Risk management tips for automotive manufacturing plants

Risk management involves identifying potential risks and creating a plan of action to minimize the dangers and negative impact those risks could have on employees and the entire manufacturing facility. Many risks in production come from the use of machinery and other equipment. Many machines have moving parts that can cause injury or worse and must be part of the risk management plan. If you want to improve or implement a new program to enhance safety in your automotive plant, continue reading as we discuss risk management tips for automotive manufacturing plants.

Regular Assessments

Assessments are the best way to note what aspects of the current risk management plan are working and understand the risks associated with each piece of machinery. Follow the steps below to perform a risk assessment.

  1. Perform a walk-through of the entire facility.
  2. Identify the purpose of each piece of equipment and the task for each worker using it.
  3. Assess possible risks of the machinery.
  4. Create mitigation steps to decrease risk, beginning with the greatest threats.
  5. Document everything, including the risks, the plan to make the workplace safer, and when and how you implement the safety steps.

Assessments must happen at least once a year.

Improve Machinery and Techniques

Technology causes everything to advance, including automotive manufacturing machinery. It’s essential to update or replace equipment that is no longer performing efficiently or cannot handle new safety measures. A facility’s machines may have been state-of-the-art during installation; however, several years later, they may no longer be safe or efficient.

Focus on Prevention

Focusing on injury prevention is one of the best risk management tips for automotive manufacturing plants. Preventative measures and the time they take to implement are well worth it. Focus on prevention with the following methods:

  • Safety training and review for all employees
  • Require the use of PPE where necessary
  • Use guarding for machinery

Being proactive with prevention is better for employees, making them feel loyal to the company; better for consumers, as the effort in prevention builds trust and respect; and better for the company.

At A-line Automation, we’ve been providing safety solutions for machinery for over 25 years. We create custom safety guarding fences for unlimited possibilities for your production plant. A-line Automation ensures satisfaction and strives to exceed your expectations. Contact us with any questions about safety guarding fences and other aluminum fabrication.

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