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4 Essential Tips for Designing a Lean Workstation

February 7, 2023

You might be a little familiar with what a lean workstation is, but we'll explain it further so that you can understand its benefits. A lean workstation enhances one's working environment to create unique and ergonomic processes. This workstation will improve productivity and decrease worker strain. What's more, it'll also cut down on your processing times, so you'll get the best of both worlds for your business and your employees. Find out these essential tips for designing a lean workstation.


The first thing you want to ensure when designing your workstation is that it's height adjustable, no matter what type of work you'll do on this desk. If you believe this aspect isn't necessary, you might want to think about your body throughout the day.

When you sit at a desk all day, you can find yourself in pain and aching. That's because your body needs to stretch and move now and then. That's also not to mention that some work may be better to do when standing up.

Ergonomically Optimized

One of the most essential tips for designing a lean workstation is ergonomics, but what does this mean? If you want to ergonomically optimize a desk, it should cause no additional strain to its user. You might work at a desk you feel doesn't suit your body or the work you're doing. You might have to crouch or stretch in order to work with it. That isn't an ergonomic desk.

Tool and Material Positioning

Another way to keep things ergonomic and simple is to have your tools and materials as easily accessible as possible. That's why many lean workstations will feature a peg board right in front of the user for simplistic handling. The tools and materials you place on your peg board will be the ones you use several times throughout the day. This setup will also increase efficiency and organization.

Specified Lighting

There's an aspect many of us tend to forget or disregard when it comes to designing a workstation, and that's lighting. The thing is that lighting is incredibly important, as you need to be able to see what you're working on. If you work in low or suboptimal light, that could lead to eye strain and work inefficiency.

Are you looking for an aluminum extrusion desk that'll allow you to make the lean desk of your dreams? At A-line Automation, we have everything you need to suit your commercial and industrial needs. When you choose us, you can rest assured you'll receive products that last.

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